Wednesday, August 17, 2016

We have this game called "circle game" where we try and draw the circle on the board. 
It's a great stress relief and we all get superrr into it!
Also, my teachers love it. It's the most hilarious thing!

Only 6 more days until we can leave these gates!


Sup Fam,

SO MUCH happened this week, but I'll try and be brief so that I don't bore anyone to death :)

On Wednesday we did exchanges with another district in our zone who is two weeks younger than us. I went with Hermana Gunner. What a day! They separated us into our levels of Spanish, and somehow I got put with the upper class! We went the whole day speaking in majority Spanish. It was so fun! I learned so much from Hermana Gunner. I was honestly so nervous for the exchanges, but she taught and helped me with my Spanish so much!

Elder Andersen came this week to Tuesday night! It was amazing. We have devotionals Tuesdays and Sundays, and it makes everything better. He talked about our missions are specifically for us. I know that there are people in Costa Rica who need me, and that only I can help. He also compared us missionaries to the apostles, because we do have the same purpose. He kept saying "It is our job to collect the elect" I'm so excited to go teach Costa Ricans in 6 DAYS!

Oh, so I got my travel plans this week! I leave August 23, which is next Tuesday! I'll be traveling all day, from 6:20 am until 8 pm when I land in Costa Rica. My Spanish is no where near ready, but I know that no one is ever fully prepared after the MTC, that's so we can rely on the Lord! :) I'm so so excited to get on Costa Rica and teach and try and communicate! I'm mostly excited to leave the MTC, because I'm ready!! (Sidenote: I told you that on my travel plans I had a flight from Costa Rica to Atlanta in October, and we found out that is just because apparently people just fly to Costa Rica and bum around there, and so in order to get into the country you need to have proof that you can get out! So they will cancel it as soon as I arrive next week! Crazy, huh?)

We decided to start memorizing D & C 4 in Spanish as a district! It's been so cool! I also memorized Articles of Faith 1-5 this past week. I'm just trying to be ready for Costa Rica!

For those of you who do not know, or if my mom has not told everyone she knows yet, I GOT ACCEPTED INTO THE ELEMENTARY EDUCATION PROGRAM AT UTAH STATE! I am overjoyed. I know that the Lord is sending me amazing blessings and miracles! What a relief that I don't have to worry about school or what I'm gonna do!

So we had our last weekly planning as a district this week. Honestly I was so sad! I'm so ready to leave, but also not at all! It's going to be SO hard to say goodbye to everyone in my district! :( We've all gotten so close!

So my teacher, Bro Santillan, made a deal with us as a district that if we spoke only Spanish on Sunday, he would buy us In-N-Out shakes! OF COURSE I DID IT! only Spanish was way tough, but SO worth it today when we got out of the temple and had In-N-Out shakes waiting for us! YUM! Last american food for 17 months!

I talked in Sacrament Meeting this week! I knew it was coming as I was planning it. It was on "enduring to the end" and I mostly just read it because it was only in Spanish, but while I was giving it, it wasn't as bad as I thought! I was happy that I had the chance to "practice" giving a talk in only Spanish.

Thanks for all the love and support! Sorry if my emails are so boring or long, I just wanna share my wonderful experience with everyone! I LOVE being a missionary and I'm so so happy. I'm also way tired, and it's hard, but I'm so grateful that I'm here. I'm so excited for Costa Rica in a few short days! Keep saying your prayers and reading your scriptures (totally missionary thing to say, I had to).

Love you all,
Hermana Hansen

ps. you all only have until Sunday to send me dear elders, packages, and letters until I'm out of AMERICA! so I better be feeling everyone's love :)

One happy sister missionary :)

In-N-Out + Temple = Blessed Day

k but how cute are we

I got the classic mission shirt, and it's the best purchase of my life.

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